Submit a Teaching Files Case
If you would like to add a case to the “NASCI Teaching Files”, please complete the following steps:
- Download the NASCI Teaching Files submission slides
- While there is no specific limit for the number of slides you utilize, we strongly recommend only 2 slides (unknown case, and answer slide).
- Please use high quality images and movies
- Cases should be original.
- Use of cases that have been published elsewhere MUST be disclosed during the submission process, and MUST belong to the submitting author(s). Previously published cases require appropriate documentation of copyright permission for re-use from the copyright holder.
- Ensure all patient identifying information has been appropriately removed from all images and movies. Your submission MUST be HIPAA compliant
- Authors should refer to an excellent guideline on how to properly crop figures that is available on the RadioGraphics website (https://pubs.rsna.org/page/radiographics/rgauthor_instructions ).
- Teaching points should be brief and to the point
- Author limitations: None
- References: At least 1 reference
Expected timeline
- “NASCI Teaching Files” submissions are accepted year-round.
- While cases are ideally reviewed within a month, longer review times may occur.
- Accepted cases should be returned within 1 week following notification of acceptance to expedite uploading to the “NASCI Teaching Files”.
Case promotion
- All accepted cases will be added to “NASCI Teaching Files” at the earliest capability of our informatics team.
- The NASCI Electronic Communications Committee will post each case on NASCI’s Twitter in the order in which it was received.
- All cases will undergo peer-review, and can be noted as such on the author’s CV.
- Please note, a “NASCI Teaching Files” case is a web publication. These cases do not receive Digital Object Identifier (DOI), nor are they listed on PubMed.
- Authors should be aware that a submission to the “NASCI Teaching Files” is not the same as a submission “NASCI Case of the Month”, as these are separate processes.
Below is an example of a Teaching Files Case.
Please use the blank template linked below for your submission.
– NASCI Education Committee
QUESTIONS – email [email protected]