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2017 Summer Newsletter

U. Joseph Schoepf, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC

NASCI Members,

Backyard barbecues and fireflies are fading out- summer is almost over. Time to make travel plans for the fall! Extend your warm weather in exciting San Antonio, Texas, where a splendid 2017 NASCI Annual Meeting awaits October 7-10!

It will be such a fab event! As always our speakers include globally-recognized experts in the field of cardiovascular imaging, representing premier academia and clinical entities.

We are extremely honored to have Dr. Julio Palmaz, the inventor of the balloon expandable stent, as our Keynote Speaker on Sunday morning. Dr. Palmaz will deliver the inaugural Paulin Lecture, a new named lectureship which we are launching this year to honor the beacons in our field.

The Symposia are again an exciting mix of current topics that balance clinical case review, best administrative practices, and highlight technological advancements. New this year, on Saturday afternoon we created a session specifically focused on starting and sustaining a cardiac imaging practice for practitioners new to the field or just out of training. There will be roundtables on Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease, Building an Academic Career, and Artificial Intelligence in interactive small group settings to get all your questions answered. Once again, we will be featuring the Young Investigator Competition, a combined STR/NASCI segment, and an International Session.  Also, don’t miss the craziest cases and the always popular Imaging Film Panel with return moderator Dr. Karen Ordovas.

Our partners in industry will again be strongly represented – check out their new products in the exhibition hall or learn about revolutionary new approaches in cardiovascular imaging during the breakfast symposium hosted by HeartFlow Inc.

The exciting scientific program will be framed by ample opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones at our fabulous social events. The highlight will most certainly be our Gala Dinner at the Alamo! We’ll have cocktails walking the marvelous gardens before we sit down for dinner and celebrate our profession and our Society amidst a significant piece of history. Tickets are going fast, so make sure to get yours before the venue sells out.

It’s been a tremendous year – come celebrate with us. I look forward to seeing every single one of you in San Antonio!


Joe Schoepf
2017 NASCI President

This year’s speakers include globally-recognized experts in the field of cardiovascular imaging, representing premier academia and clinical entities. We are extremely honored to have Dr. Julio Palmaz, the inventor of the balloon expandable stent, as our Keynote Speaker on Sunday morning.  The Workshops and Symposia are an exciting mix of current topics that balance clinical case review, best administrative practices, and highlight technological advancements. Join us on Saturday afternoon for a session focused on starting and sustaining a cardiac imaging practice. There will be roundtables on Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease, Building an Academic Career, and Artificial Intelligence. Once again, we will be featuring the Young Investigator Competition, a combined STR/NASCI segment, and an International Session.  Also, don’t miss the craziest cases and the always popular Imaging Film Panel with return moderator Dr. Karen Ordovas.

Second Radiological Society of South Africa (RSSA)/ North American Society of Cardiac Imaging (NASCI): Cardiac CT course

The second RSSA NASCI Cardiac CT course was successfully held at the Sandton Sun Hotel, Johannesburg (May 13-17, 2017) under the leadership of Dr. Harold Litt. This 40 hours structured and integrated training course was a joint venture between the RSSA (RSSA Congress chair: Prof Leon J van Rensburg), the SA Society of Cardiac Imaging (SASOCI Chair: Dr. Leonie Scholtz) and the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging (NASCI President: Dr. U. Joseph Schoepf).

The course was conducted over five consecutive days by NASCI faculty (Dr. Prachi Agarwal, Dr. Diana Litmanovich, Dr. Harold Litt, Dr. Charles White and Dr. Eric Williamson) with support from Ms. Katherine Robbins from NASCI. Didactic lectures were presented throughout the course along with case reviews under the supervision of the faculty. All meeting attendees had access to cases that were preloaded on CT workstations for a truehands-on experience.

At the conclusion of the course, Dr. Litt was also awarded an honorary membership to the RSSA.

Help us help the next generation of:
    cardiovascular imagers

As we celebrate the 45th Anniversary of NASCI, we reflect on the remarkable work – and the professional organization we’ve built together. Thanks to the generous support of you – our members – we are embarking on a new and exciting phase of our organization.

Please join us in celebrating NASCI’s 45thAnniversary by donating today! 

Your tax-deductible contribution will help us place the building blocks for future leaders and their achievements.

Your donation will help the society strengthen and expand on its core missions:

– To encourage the development and dissemination of knowledge regarding cardiovascular imaging 
– To contribute to the active continuing education of its membership and of the medical community
– To promote the study, research and clinical practice of cardiovascular imaging

Your contribution will support activities including: 
• The online Case in Point features that reach over 1000 readers per month
• Educational and networking events that give participants an opportunity to advance in their field 
• The wildly popular electronic journal club,
• Continued access for all members to the International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 


Thank You To Our Donors
President’s Circle
Dianna Bardo, MD, FNASCI
Jill E. Jacobs, MD, FNASCI
Paul R. Julsrud, MD, FNASCI
Jacobo Kirsch, MD, FNASCI
Harold I. Litt, MD, PhD, FNASCI
Karen G Ordovas, MD, MS, FNASCI
Gautham P. Reddy, MD, MPH, FNASCI
U. Joseph Schoepf, MD, FNASCI
Pamela K. Woodard, MD, FNASCI

Matthew D. Cham, MD
Kirsch Jacobo, MD, FNASCI
Karen G. Ordovas, MD, MS, FNASCI
Charles S. White, MD, FNASCI

Carole Dennie, MD, FRCP(C)
Diana E Litmanovich, MD

Andrew Bowman, MD PhD
Abhishek Chaturvedi, MD
Jeremy D Collins, MD
Carole Dennie, MD 
Cristina Fuss, MD
Bruce S. Greenberg, MD FNASCI
Geoffrey D. Rubin, MD FNASCI
Martin Prince, MD, PhD, FNASCI
U. Joseph Schoepf, MD, FNASCI
Pamela K. Woodard, MD, FNASCI

Please follow us on Twitter (@NASCISociety) and Facebook (NASCI – North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging) for society news, case reports, and other educational and interesting content! As we all know, the nature of communication is rapidly evolving, and engagement on various social media platforms will help ensure the society continues to attract new members and efficiently disseminates valuable content and information. We hope to have 100% participation amongst society members who are active on social media. Get your thumbs and hashtags ready for action during the annual meeting, October 7-10 in San Antonio! #NASCI2017

The NASCI Rising Star Fellowship supports the early career of promising cardiovascular imagersthrough mentoring and education. The 2-year program aims to connect the fellow with a NASCI mentor with expertise in the fellows’ area of research or educational interest. Rising Star Fellowship will engage the fellow to serve in NASCI committees on either research or education, and provide for attendance at the NASCI annual meeting.  The emphasis is on career promotion and retention of promising experts in the field of cardiovascular imaging.  The program focuses on fostering the career of future leaders in cardiovascular imaging by supporting the fellow during the early professional years and by establishing connections between the early career fellow and NASCI leaders.

Mentoring: The fellow will be matched with 2 NASCI leaders to serve as early career mentors for the 2 years of the program.
Service and Engagement: In addition to presenting their research in the Annual Meeting, the fellow will be introduced providing a short description of their work and area of interest at the Business Meeting. Furthermore, the fellow will serve for 2 years in the NASCI Education Committee or Research Committee. 
Funding: The selected rising star awardee will receive $500 travel award, 1 night of meeting hotel stay and waived meeting registration for NASCI 2017 annual meeting. The fellow will also receive $500 travel award and waived meeting registration for 2018 Annual meeting
Eligibility: Fellows and junior faculty (first 2 years) who have an abstract accepted for NASCI Annual meeting are eligible to apply. 

For the 2017 program, all abstract authors were invited to apply. This year’s winner will be announced in the coming weeks. 

Abstracts submitted by in-training members are eligible to be awarded an AHA award. Eight finalists are chosen for the award. All finalists receive two nights’ hotel accommodations at the Hyatt Regency, San Antonio  The three top presentations will receive an additional monetary award, and will have the abstract published in full in the iJCVI.

NASCI is proud to announce the 2017 AHA winners.

Machine Learning for Cardiac MRI: Automated Mapping of Left Atrium and Pulmonary Veins with Human Level Performance

University of Central Florida

Detection of myocardial fibrosis by native T1 mapping in patients with chronic kidney disease: a feasibility study

Kevin Kalisz
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Dual-Energy CT Angiography of Lower Extremity Runoff: Impact of a prototype Advanced Calcium Subtraction Algorithm on Diagnostic Accuracy

Mastrodicasa, MD

Medical University of South Carolina


Endothelial Function Assessment using EndoPAT Helps Identify Early Vascular Dysfunction in Individuals Deemed Low Risk by Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Suraj Raheja
Henry Ford Hospital

Targeting the Aortic Regurgitant Jet with 2D Phase Contrast MRI in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valves: Influence on Estimates of Regurgitant Fraction Versus Echocardiography

Elizabeth Tai
University of Calgary, Canada

Rest and stress T1-mapping and T1 reactivity in patients with and without coronary artery disease

Marly van Assen
 Medical University of South Carolina

Coronary CT Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve Based on Machine Learning for Risk-Stratification of Non-Culprit Lesions in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

Taylor Duguay, BS

Medical University of South Carolina


Impact of Repeat Echocardiograms on Management Decisions in Hospitalized Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure: Early Results of a Single Center Study

Lindsey Aurora
Henry Ford Hospital
Cross-modality accuracy of dual-step prospective ECG-triggered Dual-Source CT compared with Echocardiography and Cardiac MR performed on the same day in the follow-up of heart-transplanted patients Riccardo Marano
Institute of Radiology Catholic University of Rome Pole of Imaging


Check out the NEW
Case in Point

July, 2017 Case 
A Fat Beat 

NASCI’s Case in Point is a bi-monthly web site posting of interesting cases submitted by clinicians from all over the world. Submitted cases are peer-reviewed by the Case in Point editors and thus may be listed as peer-reviewed web publications on the CVs of case submitters. Additionally, selected cases posted on the NASCI website are recommended for publication in the International Journal for Cardiovascular Imaging. If you have a didactic cardiac imaging case that highlights relevant teaching points – submit your case today! ARCHIVES

NASCI President, Dr. U. Joseph Schoepf, MD, was announced to be the next Editor in Chief of the Journal of Thoracic Imaging at the World Congress of Thoracic Imaging, Boston. He will follow Dr. Phillip Boiselle, MD, in this position and will assume his responsibilities later this year. #NASCISociety

NASCI members are invited to share news and update their fellow members or themselves. This is a great opportunity to share awards, achievements, promotions, or praise a fellow member.

We also welcome any article or highlights from a noteworthy manuscript or scientific piece, that is of interest to the NASCI community.  Member News will be published in the NASCI newsletter. Please send the information you wish to share to [email protected] with the subject line “Member News.”

Chief Editor
Prachi Agarwal, MD, MS, FNASCI

Committee Co Chair
Stefan L Zimmerman, MD

Administrative Editor
Stephanie Huppert

Newsletter SubCommittee
Linda Chu, MD
Jacobo Kirsch, MD FNASCI
Juliano Fernandes, MD, PhD

Share Your Member News!! 
NASCI members are invited to share news and updates on themselves or fellow members. This is a great opportunity to publicize awards, achievements, promotions, or praise another member’s accomplishments.  Member News will be published in the NASCI quarterly Newsletter. Please include a short paragraph detailing the accomplishment. Pictures/headshots are also welcome.   Information you wish to share can be sent to [email protected], with the subject line “Member News.”