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Case In Point Submission Procedures

The “NASCI Case in Point” section features didactic cardiac imaging cases that highlight important teaching points for each case presented. A new case will be presented online on a bimonthly schedule. This section values cases that illustrate important teaching points in cardiovascular imaging.

Selected cases presented on the NASCI website will be recommended for publication in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging (see below).

We encourage all to submit cases for presentation on the website. The format (to be submitted as a Microsoft® Powerpoint [PPT] file on the NASCI Case in Point submission template. Click Here for the NASCI Case in Point Submission Template is as follows:

  • Clinical History (1-2 slides)
  • Images/Movies (Movie clips are encouraged and may be submitted in any of the standard formats (e.g., avi, mov, etc.)
  • Description of Imaging findings/Equipment/Scanning Techniques (1-2 slides)
  • Learning Points/Unique Points from the case presented (2-3 slides)
  • 2-4 references

Submitted cases will be peer-reviewed by the Case in Point editors and can therefore be listed as peer-reviewed web publications on the CVs of the submitters.

To be considered for possible publication in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, besides the above submission procedures, please also include: a separate single image (may be multi-paneled) that highlights the clinical message of the case and a 150-200 word description (with references if necessary) also highlighting the clinical message of the case. Please also include a short title with the submission and the names of no more than three authors (plus affiliation).

The preference for publication in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging will be given to cases showing striking, illustrative, and instructive clinical images such as angiographic images, echocardiograms, nuclear scintigrams, and MRI or MSCT images. The quality of the image should be excellent with an aspect ratio of 1:1 and a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

NASCI Case In Point Editor-in-Chief:

Maureen Hood, PhD, RN
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Bethesda, MD

QUESTIONS –  email [email protected]