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NASCI Committees

Join a NASCI Committee

Want to join a group of dedicated professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help NASCI carry out its mission, goals and purpose? Volunteers are the foundation for NASCI’s growth and its success can be directly attributed to the many members, past and present, who have generously shared their knowledge and expertise.

You can make a difference by serving on a NASCI committee. Each fall (October), committee rosters are reviewed and updated. Committee service is typically a three-year commitment, depending upon the committee. Committees work best with representation across the diverse membership, including Trainees and Early-Career Professionals. All members interested in service are encouraged to sign up. 

Participation is limited to NASCI members in good standing. Members may be invited to join committees outside the regular cycle to fill vacancies or provide additional resources as needed. Please watch for the yearly Call for Committee Volunteers. While options may be limited, Staff will gladly explore options for Members who did not sign up through the Call for Volunteers.

2023-2024 Committees


Advocacy Committee

This committee is responsible for overseeing and developing advocacy strategies in support of cardiovascular imaging, code development, and collaborates with related societies for joint advocacy efforts. Committee also consulting on questions of reimbursement and liaising with ACR advocacy group, and acts as a resource for the members, advising and guiding cardiovascular imaging credentialing pathways available to them. 

Committee Members

Albert Hsiao – Chair
Liisa Bergmann
Carole Dennie
Greg Kicscka
Markus Renno
Pam Woodard
Phil Young


ByLaws Committee

This committee consists of a chair, the Secretary, and at least two additional members. It oversees modifications to the governing documents of the society to ensure contemporary, relevant governance, policies and procedures. The committee is convened as required since changes to the documents are not made every year. When changes are being considered, the committee meets frequently from May to August. 

Committee Members

Jill Jacobs – Chair
Srikant Das
Elsie Nguyen
Yasmeen Tandon
Akos Varga-Szemes
Charlie White

Corporate Development

Corporate Development Committee

This committee consisting of a chair, the Treasurer, and at least two additional members. The committee shall plan and oversee the solicitation of financial support and contributions for the Society and for the annual meeting. It meets by phone monthly between March and August. 

Committee Members

Phillip Young – Chair
Prachi Agarwal
Matt Cham
Carole Dennie
Kim Kallianos
Jacobo Kirsch
Yuval Liberman
U Joseph Schoepf
Marly van Assen

Credentialing Adhoc

Credentialing Adhoc Committee

Adhoc committee focused on the newly developed NASCI CMR and CT Certification program’s marketing, program development and submissions review.

Committee Members

Karen Ordovas – Chair
Jonathan Revels
Greg Kicska
Kate Hanneman

D&E (R&D Fund)

R&D Fund Committee

Adhoc committee formed of the current President, President-Elect and chairs of the Fellowship, Education, Research & Awards and NASCient Committees for the purpose of NASCI R & D Fund oversight.

Committee Members

Diana Litmanovich – Chair
Prachi Agarwal – Co-Chair
Jill Jacobs
Jonathan Revels
AKos Varga-Szemes
Stefan Zimmerman


Education Committee

Consists of a chair and at least six additional members. This committee is responsible for the overall education program for the society including general oversight, planning and supporting efforts to address the learning needs of the membership, reviewing and adjusting programming based upon learner and program evaluations. The committee meets in person at the Annual Meeting and as needed by phone throughout the year. Individual duties may include: voting by email several times per year, supporting webinars and Journal activities, and reviewing Case in Point submissions. Active engagement and prompt turnaround is needed from all committee members. 

Committee Members

Jonathan Revels – Chair
Shaimaa Fadl – Vice-Chair
Mostafa Abozeed
Prachi Agarwal
Usman Aziz
Dhirah Baruah
Don Benson
Arzu Canan – Teaching Files Lead
Abhishek Caturvedi
Romina D’Souza – Curriculum Leader
Luba Frank – Case of the Month Lead
Nikhil Goyal
Elliott Gozansky
Monesha Gupta
Aws Hamid – Case of the Month Lead
Caleb Hubbard
Katherine A Kaproth-Joslin
Ranish Khwaja
Natalie LeCrone
Alan Legasto
Emily Lippincott
Asmaa Naguib-Ahmed
Maria Clara Neves Lorca
Mini Pakkal
Prabhakar Rajiah
Erin Romberg
Satinder P. Singh
Sharon (Shira) Steinberger
Sherry Wang
En-Haw Wu

Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications Committee

This committee consisting of a chair, the Secretary, and at least three additional members. This committee shall oversee the Society’s website, newsletter and any other societal communications. 

Committee Members

Carlo De Cecco – Chair
Aws Hamid – Vice-Chair
Mohammad Saiful Azam Sujon
Dhiraj Baruah
Busra Cangut
Andrea Furlani
Jacobo Kirsch
Vishal Kukkar
Jerald Lim
Amgad Makaryus
Elsie Nguyen
Carlotta Onnis
Pedro Staziaki
Yasmeen Tandon
Muhammad Umair
Daniel Vargas


Fellowship Committee – Consists of a chair and at least three additional members, all of whom are Fellow members. With the approval of the Board, the committee shall propose and publicize the criteria for Fellow memberships, review all nominations and applications for Fellow membership, present a slate of endorsed candidates for election, and set the procedure for the election of new Fellows. 

Committee Members

Jill Jacobs – Chair
Matthew Cham
Benoit Desjardins
Karin Dill
Christina Fuss
Elsie Nguyen
Prabhakar Rajiah
Satinder Sing


Finance Committee

The committee oversees ACCP’s finances and investments and proposes financial policies for consideration by the Board. The committee meets five – six times per year by phone and in person at the Annual Meeting

Committee Members

Matthew Cham – Chair
Amar Shah
Daniel Vargas
Charles White

Institutional Education & Fellowship Program Adhoc

Institutional Education & Fellowship Program Subcommittee

The Institutional Education & Fellowship Program Subcommittee shall consist of three to five Members in good standing. The committee shall oversee issues pertaining to Cardiovascular Imaging fellowship programs and be the primary conduit to the various national societies that oversee fellowship program regulation and accreditation. The committee will maintain an updated listing of cardiovascular imaging fellowship training programs that will be made available on the NASCI website and continue to seek methods to encourage more trainees to pursue Cardiovascular Imaging fellowship. The chair of the Fellowship Committee shall serve as a member of the Education Committee.

Committee Members

Joan Lacomis – Chair
Tami Bang
Elliot Gozansky
Sandeep Hedgire
Ismail Kabakus
Jonathan Liu
Amar Shah
Kavitha Yaddanapudi
George Youssef

Intersociety Liaison

Intersociety Liaison Committee

Intersociety Liaison Committee consisting of at least three members. This committee shall act as liaison with the leadership of other domestic, US-based medical societies.

Committee Members

Daniel Ocazionez– Chair
Carlo De Cecco
Shaimaa Fadl
Madhusudan Ganigara
Subha Ghosh
Kent Hall
Mina Hanna
Mohamed Ibrahim
Aws Kamona
Prasad Panse
Roosha Parikh
Daniel Vargas

Legacy & History

Legacy & History Committee

This committee provides institutional memory of the society, advises President in pivotal decisions, supports the Research and Awards Committee by serving as judges  at the Annual Meeting. Members also support the Development Committee’s fundraising activities and efforts and chronicles the history of the society. 

Committee Members

Andre Duerinckx – Chair
Paul Julsrud
Lewis Wexler
Charles White


Membership Committee

The committee consisting of a chair, the Secretary, and at least three additional members. The committee shall encourage, promote, and support membership. The committee shall also hear disciplinary proceedings against members and may take disciplinary action. It meets five – six times per year by phone and in person at the Annual Meeting. The charge of the committee is to deal with member-related issues presented to it by the Board, Staff or NASCI membership and to make recommendations based on the above-noted issues. 

Committee Members

Tami Bang – Chair
Andrew Bowman – Co-Chair
Sagar Amin
Kiran Batra
Sadaf Bhutta
Bijan Bijan
Alex Bratt
Rakesh Donthula
Peter Filev
Avanti Gulhane
Timothy Hoang
Mohammad Jalili
Gayathri KS
Elsie Nguyen
Roosha Parikh
Kateryna Strubchevska
Yasmeen Tandon
Santosh Uppu


Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee consisting of the Immediate Past President, who shall serve as chair, the President-elect, and at least three additional members, each appointed by the President for a period of one year. The committee shall nominate candidates for the office of Secretary.

Committee Members

Phil Young – Chair
Prachi Agarwal
Jacobo Kirsch
Greg Kiscka
Diana Litmanovich


Program Committee

This committee consists of a chair, a co-chair, a vice chair, the chair of the Research and Awards Committee, and at least three additional members. This committee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of the scientific program at the annual meeting. The members of the committee shall serve for terms of three years.  It develops and oversees the program for the Annual Meeting, including selection of the educational events and decisions about other programming. This committee is seated approximately 18 months in advance of the event and meets frequently by phone, as well as in person at the Annual Meeting. Key elements of committee participation include early planning for the meeting, reviewing and scoring Call for Topic proposals and abstracts, attending regularly-scheduled conference calls and attending the Annual Meeting. Please note this committee operates on an advanced cycle and so is already seated for 2019. 

Committee Members

Cristina Fuss – Chair
Pat Mergo – Co-Chair
Johathan Revels – Vice-Chair
Shae Anderson-Merves – Pediatric Program Co-Chair
Katherine Kaproth-Joslin – Pediatric Program Co-Chair
Stefan Zimmerman – R&A Committee Chair
Scott Adams
Sadaf Bhutta
Drew Bowman
Matthew Cham
Isabel Cortopassi
Mark Fogel
Susan Hamman
Laura Jimenez Juan
Padma Priya Manapragada
Raluca McCallum
Anastasia Oikonomou
Randy Otto
Anursrhi Parakh
Brian Pogatchnik
Ana Paula Santos Lima
Navneet Singh

Publications & Guidelines

Publications & Guidelines Committee

Publications and Guidelines Committee consisting of a chair and at least two additional members. The committee shall work with the leadership of the journal regarding publications of the Society and shall propose and approve practice guidelines.

Committee Members

Kate Hanneman – Chair
Bradley Allen – Vice Chair
Suhny Abbara
Carlo De Cecco
Chris Francois
Avanti Gulhane
Monesha Gupta
Aws Hamid
Soheil Kooraki
Tim Leiner
Shae Merves
Luigi Natale
Julia Niemerko
Prasad Panse
Anushri Parakh
Sasan Partovi
Archana Rai
Prabhakar Rajiah
George Youssef

Research & Awards

Research & Awards Committee

Committee consisting of a chair and at least six additional members. The committee meets in person at the Annual Meeting and frequently by phone between November and May to review nominations and determine the recommended award recipients.This committee manages, selects abstracts for written and oral presentation at the annual meeting. The committee define awards to be bestowed at the annual meeting, conducts an annual scientific poster session, selects presenters who will compete for scientific awards, and announces the award winners.  The chair shall serve on the Program Committee.  

Committee Members

Stefan Zimmerman – Chair
Akos Varga-Szemes – Co-Chair
Scott Adams
Bradley Allen
Arash Bedayat
Hamid Chalian
Carlo De Cecco
Rakesh Donthula
Lewis Hahn
Maureen N. Hood
Christian Houbois
Albert Hsiao
Mahan Jehangir
Mayil Krishnam
Vishal Kukkar
Anushri Parakh
Navneet Singh
Santhosh Uppu


Trainee Committee

The committee strives to increase the participation in NASCI of medical students, residents & fellows, and early-career professionals who are beginning their full-time careers. This is done by developing and supporting activities to increase the awareness of and career opportunities of cardiovascular imaging, including the Mentoring Program. The ongoing initiatives include: providing educational resources and leadership opportunities, encouraging publications by students, fellows and young professionals and developing student- and young professional-specific events for the Annual Meeting. The committee meets approximately every other month by phone. 

Committee Members

Shaimaa Fadl – Chair
Emese Zsarnoczay – Trainee Lead
Julia Asmar
Thurl Cledera
Srikant Das
Avanti Gulhane
Deividas Gustainis
Emily Sanders
Camila Urzua Fresno
Muhammad Usman
Milan Vecsey-Nagy

NASCI Mission

North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging is a scientific, educational and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of Cardiovascular Imaging. The objectives of the Society shall be:

To encourage the development and dissemination of knowledge regarding Cardiovascular Imaging

To contribute to the active continuing education of its membership and the Medical Community

To promote the study, research and clinical practice of Cardiovascular Imaging