NASCI Committees
Join a NASCI Committee
Want to join a group of dedicated professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help NASCI carry out its mission, goals and purpose? Volunteers are the foundation for NASCI’s growth and its success can be directly attributed to the many members, past and present, who have generously shared their knowledge and expertise.
You can make a difference by serving on a NASCI committee. Each fall (October), committee rosters are reviewed and updated. Committee service is typically a three-year commitment, depending upon the committee. Committees work best with representation across the diverse membership, including Trainees and Early-Career Professionals. All members interested in service are encouraged to sign up.
Participation is limited to NASCI members in good standing. Members may be invited to join committees outside the regular cycle to fill vacancies or provide additional resources as needed. Please watch for the yearly Call for Committee Volunteers. While options may be limited, Staff will gladly explore options for Members who did not sign up through the Call for Volunteers.
2023-2024 Committees
Advocacy Committee
This committee is responsible for overseeing and developing advocacy strategies in support of cardiovascular imaging, code development, and collaborates with related societies for joint advocacy efforts. Committee also consulting on questions of reimbursement and liaising with ACR advocacy group, and acts as a resource for the members, advising and guiding cardiovascular imaging credentialing pathways available to them.
Committee Members
Albert Hsiao – Chair
Liisa Bergmann
Carole Dennie
Greg Kicscka
Markus Renno
Pam Woodard
Phil Young
ByLaws Committee
This committee consists of a chair, the Secretary, and at least two additional members. It oversees modifications to the governing documents of the society to ensure contemporary, relevant governance, policies and procedures. The committee is convened as required since changes to the documents are not made every year. When changes are being considered, the committee meets frequently from May to August.
Committee Members
Jill Jacobs – Chair
Srikant Das
Elsie Nguyen
Yasmeen Tandon
Akos Varga-Szemes
Charlie White
Corporate Development
Credentialing Adhoc
D&E (R&D Fund)
Electronic Communications
Institutional Education & Fellowship Program Adhoc
Intersociety Liaison
Intersociety Liaison Committee
Intersociety Liaison Committee consisting of at least three members. This committee shall act as liaison with the leadership of other domestic, US-based medical societies.
Committee Members
Daniel Ocazionez– Chair
Carlo De Cecco
Shaimaa Fadl
Madhusudan Ganigara
Subha Ghosh
Kent Hall
Mina Hanna
Mohamed Ibrahim
Aws Kamona
Prasad Panse
Roosha Parikh
Daniel Vargas