NASCI History
NASCI History
1993 to Present: Revitalization, Strategies Plan, Advances in Cardiac MRI, Teaching-the-Teachers, Gobalizaton
1978-1982: Non-Profit Incorporation, Office Journal, Logo, Member of the Intersociety Commission of the American College of Radiology
In 1978, Dr. Erik Carlsson became President. The society was incorporated in the state of Washington as a nonprofit corporation and the Journal of Cardiovascular Radiology became its official journal. Its logo was designed; it represents the heart and aorta upon which the pulmonary artery is superimposed. The Annual Meeting was held in Las Vegas and computerized tomography of the heart became a topic of interest.
In 1979, the meeting moved to Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; Dr. Larry Elliott was President. San Francisco was the site of the 1980 meeting, under Dr. Herbert Abrams as President, where, for the first time, cardiac computed tomography had a stand alone session along with conventional angiography, plain films, ultrasound and nuclear medicine diagnosis. The emphasis on new and emerging technologies was continued in 1981 on Hilton Head Island, under President Dr. Murray Baron. Digital subtraction and nuclear magnetic resonance were added to the program. NASCR was active educationally and politically by obtaining representation on the Intersociety Commission of the American College of Radiology. Subspecialty certification was being considered for the first time by the ACR. Incorporation of the Cardiovascular section on the oral boards in Radiology was largely the work of members of NASCR, specifically Drs. Capp and Lester.
1983-1993: Annual Scientific Meeting, Research, Conjoint Meetings
1971-1977: Formation of Society, Founding Members, Annual Refresher Course
A group of 32 individuals met November 17, 1972 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas, to determine whether a society of those deeply interested in Cardiac Radiology should be formed; the session was chaired by Dr. Melvin Figley.” So began the minutes of the founding meeting of the North American Society for Cardiac Radiology as recorded by Dr. Erik Carlsson, who originally conceived the idea of a dedicated Cardiac Radiology society. The Council on Cardiovascular Radiology was having its inaugural program on that same day at the 1972 scientific meeting of the American Heart Association. Since the Council was fairly large (740 members at that time), a separate smaller interdisciplinary organization of physicians and scientists with strong academic qualifications and interest in Cardiac Radiology was formed. As Dr. Sven Paulin noted “a limited membership based on professional and scientific accomplishment was to guarantee a fruitful exchange of information on innovations and research in progress.” A founding committee was formed including Drs. Abrams, Capp, Carlsson, Elliott, Figley, Hipona, and Simon. This committee was empowered to evaluate the curriculum vitae of the individuals in attendance and others interested in becoming charter members. Membership was drawn from the ranks of cardiologists and engineers, in addition to radiologists; the society was limited to 70 members.
On June 8,1973, twenty-two of the charter membership of 62 convened for the initial meeting in Rochester, Minnesota at the Mayo Clinic, organized by Drs. George Davis and Earl Wood. The morning meeting consisted of a session on “Video Angiographic Techniques” presented by Dr. Wood and his co-workers. That afternoon, Dr. Figley was inaugurated as the first President. The “Annual Refresher Course in Cardiac Radiology” was held in New Orleans in March, 1974, in conjunction with the Third Annual meeting.
The 1975 “Second Annual Refresher Course in Cardiac Radiology” was held in Williamsburg, Virginia, and the “Third Annual Refresher Course in Cardiac Radiology” was held in San Francisco in 1976 with Dr. Paul Capp presiding. During this period, a proposal from the recently formed Society of Cardiovascular Radiology to merge the membership of the two organizations was defeated, a major reason being the exclusion of non-radiologists by the SCVR. Dr. Kent Ellis was President for the March 1977 Annual Meeting and “Fourth Annual Refresher Course in Cardiac Radiology” held in Phoenix, Arizona. Because of an increasing number of qualified applicants, the membership list was increased from 70 to 85, with a restatement of criteria for membership including active dedication and commitment to the development of Cardiac Radiology.
Over the next several years the Annual Refresher Courses in Cardiac Radiology were successfully held in conjunction with the annual members meeting. A cardiovascular imaging curriculum was presented with heavy emphasis on then highly popular angiocardiography, but with a healthy dose of the other Cardiac Imaging modalities including routine thoracic roentgenology and fluoroscopy, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and the new emerging technology, computerized transaxial tomography. In addition to the established well known cardiac radiologists from which the early Presidents were drawn, young radiologists just developing their careers in Cardiac Radiology became active participants.
50th Anniversary Founder's Spotlights